Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 28 May 2012

How to Counter A Black Magic Attack ...

First… any misuse of energy, negative thought or action projected toward another person is a form of Black Magic. There is a wide range of attack from simply someone getting mad at you, all the way to someone actively doing negative ceremony and prayer against you. Symptoms can range from general tiredness to being completely knocked out physically. If the attacker is clever, they can attack specific areas in 3 groups. In multidimensional realities (time, space & dimension); in the physical realities (body, mind & spirit), and places in time (past, present & future). If you think you are being attacked, Please .... please get help. It is hard to clear oneself, because you are too close to the issue. Find someone you trust to work with. 

Should I face /confront my attacker? A battle begun on the inner planes can only be ended on the inner planes. Any attempt to correct psychic attack or black magic with outer means (i.e. confrontation and retribution) will always fail and fuel the problem even further. You can't battle an inner problem with an outer attack. 

Why have I drawn this attack to me? Being the recipient of psychic attack pushes us to look innermost of the places in ourselves in which we feel inferior, unsure, weak, unsafe or unhealthy. 

How can we be attacked? Simple facts, we only open the door to attack when:-
1. We feel fear of the attacker. Fear not only cuts us off from Spirit and our truth, but also opens the door for anyone of dark intent to use us;
2. We think they are more powerful than us; 
3. We act out of victim consciousness;
4. We have an emotional attachment to the person attacking us. We are as protected as we think and feel we are. 

How can I end an attack? Ending the problem is SIMPLE. No matter how well trained the attacker is on the inner planes these steps will end the attack: 
1. Let go of the fear. Simply try to refuse the negative projections! 
2. Realize no one is more powerful than you; just for the moment, maybe more creative and clever. The Creator the supreme of universe has created us equal. His cosmic power or energy can be sensed, felt and absorbed by all equally. Unfortunately some people choose to use their energy in destructive ways. There is nothing we can do about someone misusing their power against us. We cannot make them stop. All we can do and that is possible is react in the highest way possible within any situation. 
3. End acting out of victim mentality. There are no victims. No one can do anything to us with out us allowing it. Do not allow yourself to get sucked into the drama. Be aware that we may be attached to being a victim, since the opposite would mean taking responsibility for our life. Being a victim gives us an excuse to blame anyone for the problems we are having. Simply . . . this mentality is one way spiritual laziness. 
4. Let go of any attachment you might have to the attacker. Simply erase the attacker from your mind. This closes the door, and they will not be able to access you any more. Just thinking about the person or situation can give the attacker an open door to keep attacking. Remember . . . we CANNOT change what someone is doing to us. We can only change how we can react to it. 
5. Once you are cleared from fear, understand your power, you can put up sacred space around you. What you want to do is place yourself in SACRED more>>>...