That was until over the last five weeks! For me the card actually indicates this very painful period in my life, where I am stuck in a hospital ward recovering from gall stone induced Acute Pancreatitis. A period where it is very much out with the old personality/person and the emergence of something completely new on the inside.
I've clearly been under the control of forces stronger than human, and day by day I feel a completely different dynamic emerge from within me. It is a strange feeling and one I have often found myself very wary of. What is emerging has traits and characteristics which I don't understand or recognize.In many ways I feel like a changeling as my soul is completely at work here. The new vibration to emerge is not that far away from making its arrival on the earth plane. I can't wait.
The 0-4-8 has a subtle nature and I find it to be some kind of timing indicator in this instance of when the emergence is completed. Because I've been hospitalised for 5 weeks tomorrow ... when my acute attack happened, I deduce this to be a 4 to 8 period .... I intuitively assess the emergence began last week and is due to reach its conclusion on around 23rd December 2013. I wait with bated breath to see how it manifests
Matthew James 2nd December 2013