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Saturday, 14 April 2018

Soul With No Spirit Syndrome

There has been a dramatic increase in appearances of a new 'breed' of awareness within the human psyche. This conclusion has been reached after many long hours research after observing peers; analysing client's consultations and being made aware of happenings in friend's and colleague's lives ...

It is not a particularly pleasant or appealing conclusion to reach, because this new breed of awareness is not a positive or helpful one.

In early observations, the conclusions reached assessed that there were psychotic and narcissistic people behind the majority of personal bad experiences, and heart wrenching experiences of clients and colleagues. However, there was soon seen to be more to it, as there was a shifting trend in the craziness and lack of compassion with the perpetrators.

Therefore, after researching the Gnostic belief systems, and accepting the existence of Artificial Intelligences out there in the universe, another conclusion was reached. So many of the instances of abusive and narcissistic attacks can be attributed to what we term the 'Soul Without A Spirit' entity. This entity has no compassion or comprehension of the pain it is inflicting, as it has no human comprehension whatsoever. It doesn't think or feel like a human being. It acts on self preservation only. These entities look human because they have a soul element, which is a visual download that permits entry into the manifest plane. But there is no consciousness. There is a deep rooted survival fear and a hatred for those who are 'Souls With A Spirit' (Human Beings). They wish to be like the Human Beings but are not.

There are differing degrees between the contrasts of 'Soul With No Spirit' (SWNS) and 'Soul With Spirit'  (SWS)... there can be entities that are, for example 90% SWNS and 10% SWS ... and equally entities that are 90% SWS and 10% SWNS. It is all about the weird hybridisation that is taking part on this planet and the deliberate interbreeding of the World Elite. Remember that most 100% SWNS are the Archons and other minions of The Demiurge. This rather mysterious being is the quantum computer intelligence that drives this rogues copy reality. It is flawed ... and represents itself as the demanding and cruel god that all religions are supposed to worship. It requires that from 100% SWS ... it is also responsible for the unmaking that is taking place.

Anyone with extreme narcissistic and psychotic tendencies, in accordance with these observations, has SWNS genetics to a lesser or greater degree.  We call in 'Soul With No Spirit' Syndrome.