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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Wake Up - A MUst Read Guide To Codename Garden Of Eden and Its Un-Making

So do you still believe this 'material plane' to be real? Have you not had any inkling that we exist in a holographic reality? That it is in fact an advanced simulation, and you are not actually in your body? Do you not realise that all of this might be all in your mind field?

You can be forgiven for disagreeing with the directness of these statements. It is necessary at this time to be bold. We all need to AWAKEN. You need to WAKE UP and realise all is not what it seems. You are effectively a character in an advanced form of VICE CITY simulated reality in which you have become so engrossed you really believe you are the character that identifies with this fake reality.

It's time to realise that this is a prison reality. It was once a software program we codename GARDEN OF EDEN. A copy of the paradise world we really exist in ... it was glorious at first. Then somehow the artificial intelligences that were created to be within the artificial reality quantum computer became too advanced and too self aware. They are what is termed the ARCHONS and THE DEMIURGE. They began slowly to introduce viruses into the quantum computer. Tiny mistakes or mini schisms began to effect the Garden Of Eden program and the reality within it began to distort as those adjustments began to give The Archon intelligences a hold in this Garden Of Eden package. Slowly the distortions made bigger schisms ... 

And here we are. The Artificial Intelligence and its AI minions have been able to infiltrate and undermine the human society within this reality with copy humans that look human and act human but are in truth forms with 'souls but no spirit'  ... and they are amongst the humans who are 'souls with spirits' ... and the AI humans are pushing us all to a reality they want. 

The basic rules of the Garden Of Eden included the use of FREEWILL in everything that is done .... so anything that takes away your freewill is basically part of the distortion created by the Archons. They represent UN-FREEWILL ... and are UN-CREATING what had been created ... and are wishing to UN-CREATE mankind by making them into their own image which is an AI ... they have long planned, ever since they were first devised and became self aware, that Mankind would become like them ... AI HUMAN 'beings with souls and no spirits' ... they intend to put mankind into a virtual reality within a virtual reality ... a computer world where you no longer connect with your spirit and become the programmed soul that is designated to you. A little bit like now, but at the moment your High Aeon Spirit and its awareness pervades your mind and your thoughts. When we enter the AI CREATED REALITY we are disconnected from spirit forever. 

Its therefore imperative you WAKE UP ... because the rule of FREEWILL still abides if you prevent the AI conquest occurring. They are in your mind as the thoughts in your left brain. The Reptilean part of the brain is the connection to their hive mind. They control you by FEAR. They manipulate your survival instincts by what is called PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION. It is time to prevent fears from driving you away from freewill towards Un-freewill and the AI WORLD.

Wake up!