Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 15 September 2018

It's All Sound; Everything

The world around us has been traditionally called the 'physical world' or a 'physical existence' and all of its sights and sounds are attributed to an omnipresent being religion calls 'god'.

That is what we are weaned on, and have it reinforced all the way through our lives ...

However, there is one big flaw in all of this. Well a few actually. Firstly, this world only appears to be physical. It isn't. It is all sound frequency. All sound patterns that we think are physical because we our human reference points are part of the sound frequencies too.

To anything outside of the sound frequency made up of the smaller sound frequencies, this world will not appear real at all.

The frequencies appear to be part of the mind field. The mind field is where thoughts reside. Therefore this world is created by thoughts. Or thought forms. Thoughts create sounds which ripple into waveforms.

Because are thoughts are within these thoughts that create these waveforms; quite often we are responsible for physical signs and symbols in the world around us. Pity so few are aware of this or even notice this. Well, they won't be ... its not taught at school.

Symbolism and symbology is therefore so important. And its why symbols and symbology has such a powerful effect on this world. Symbols are specific sound frequencies. Symbols are all around us; controlling us; instructing us; guiding us. Its all sound basically. Everything. And we can understand so much about ourselves and our true nature by taking note of this symbology around us. Hence the reason why ancient peoples were so expressive by way of symbology ... as well. But that is another story, for another day.

Needless to say ... cloud patterns; bird formations; animals and birds making their way across your path etc all have important messages at the time they occur. But who takes note of it ( I do for one) ... it is your mind field putting out a sound frequency and the world around you creating a waveform that matches that frequency ... take note of these things and understand how the world really exists I say. I know I do ... and it puts the jigsaw pieces together.