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Wednesday 5 September 2018

The Odd Bunch

It's not hard to see just how far away mankind is from its true nature when you see how easily fooled it has been by the crazy notions, and down right lies, that are being told about the true nature of life.

People have fallen for the outrageous and blatant lies about 'global warming' to quote an example. I had to bite my tongue today when I heard 'the wisdom of youth' extensively discussing this subject. Yes, the earth is warming up ... that is an undeniable fact. But, to be totally believing that mankind is 100% responsible for the rising temperatures is lunacy. The way people have bought the lie is scary ... the refusal to even consider it might be because the sun is going hotter is madness. If the sun is putting out more heat then the earth is going to warm up. Period.

There is also the pussy footing around printing paper; any cups other than earthenware; carbon footprints; driving minimum distances in cars; not using diesel engines ... the list is endless. The eggshells are everywhere and its really hard to put my feet down without catching one. I'm surrounded by mind controlled youth who refuse to entertain the 'wisdom of age' ... thinking there generations are the only ones who know things. I mentioned the eruption of Mt Helens in 1980 and the serious pollution it caused and blank faces looked back at me. I mentioned the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and the subsequent fall out ... and again it was blank faces.

Then the mind control kicked back in and the script began again. There's too much gas in fizzy drinks and you need to walk so many miles to burn so many calories; you need to sleep so many hours a day to be healthy. My mind went blank listening to the mindlessness. I ended up putting my headphones to listen to music .... being a 50 year old in a room filled by people in their 20's is hard work; especially when they clean their teeth with Sodium Fluoride because they believe the myth that it helps their teeth; and are not even aware of the double deceit using the poison .... one, it keeps the dentist industry in business and two, it helps condition the minds to accept the bullshit they are falling for that is screwing up their perceptions of this world. The youth of today appear to be a real odd bunch. Or is it me? I think its the former.