Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 6 September 2018

The Power Of Magic That Resides Below The Surface

Magic is no more powerful than when someone is unaware that someone else practices it. Those who are magical adepts will rarely divulge their interest and practice in magic to anyone; unless they are in the correct environment to discuss their abilities.

When magic is not discussed in conversation, it is a vibration that sleeps; that rests within the psyche of the individual. It leaves telltale subtle signs and markings on the individual that other adepts will recognise immediately. Those who are ignorant to magic will be unaware of the individuals inner 'power'. They may sense something 'different' or 'disturbing' or 'intriguing' about the person; but that will be all.

Once spoken of, magic awakens and the vibration of the person will adjust accordingly, to permit the magic to flow through the energy channels within the person. Magic desires to be out in the open; it cannot stand being concealed. If an adept chooses to discuss magic or occult matters; which still stimulate the magic; in an inappropriate place to the unsuspecting people around them; chaotic magics can be unleashed in the unsuspecting individuals around the adept. Any latent magic within the surrounding individuals can awaken; subjecting those people to surges of vices or virtues. This will result either in strong criticism and ridicule by some; or a gravity feed type conversation where the surrounding individual or individuals discuss their own experiences/interests/abilities with the magi. It is a situation best avoided.

When the magic adept find him or herself in a situation where there magic is not within the bounds of general conversation, it is best to let people in the situation remain oblivious to his or her's magic. Magic in such situations is a powerful tool. The adept can unwittingly, or deliberately, influence the energy vibration of a room or space they find themselves in. They must always remember any words, or thoughts, they permit entry into that space, or place, is going to influence those around them more than they realise.

Magic seeks any excuse to become a servitor to a thought or an intention. 

Careful planning of thoughts or conversation is essential for an adept in a non-magical environment. Otherwise they can create a chaos that very soon spirals out of their control. Even when they apparently leave a certain life situation; that life situation can arise again elsewhere. The adept must therefore remain responsible for their every thought and their every word .... Matthew James