Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 17 September 2018

The Reason Behind Prejudice & Misconceptions

Isn't it annoying when people judge you, and your path through life, based on their own set of perceptions and comprehensions?

More often than not their perceptions are tainted by prejudice and misconceptions. This tainted view is quite often reinforced by being encouraged that others share that same set of opinions about you.

Without stopping to think, and engage humility or compassion, they leap straight into condemnation and tainted judgement. It happens to us all at some point in our lives, yes? It appears so easy to hide behind your own perceptions and ideals, and not reach out to understand the perceptions of others. This is what being human is all about. We are all one organism, so they say, that has been separated like a blob of Mercury, all apparently trying to remember being that one person. The original one before all this 'falling from grace' began.

Somewhere, somehow, mankind has been duped and brainwashed into keeping us all separated by have misconceptions and prejudices about each other. So what if someone else's life path contravenes yours? So what if someone has a view or belief in direct conflict with your own? So what if someone else eats the type of food you can't stand? Or drinks to much soda? So what? Why should we embark on narcissism against others? Why is our society driving itself to the brink of total destruction; in a frenzy of madness and violence ...? How have we all fallen for the divide and rule?

I look at the city of Glasgow or Manchester and remember the prejudice if someone supported Glasgow Rangers or Glasgow Celtic; Man Utd or Man City. At one time it divided families and communities who you supported. No doubt it still goes on but how did religion get involved in football? To be a Celtic fan, or green, you had to be catholic; to be a Rangers fan, or a blue, you had to be a protestant. WHY? How does things like this happen? Because we let it happen! We fall for the problem-reaction-solution tactics of the algorithm virus that manifests as The Rothchilds and the like. Those scum bags who see us as cannon fodder and slaves. We let that small group create a world like it is ... so we are kept separated and vessels of energy for them. We are separated in countries, religions etc etc to oppose each other and fight their manufactured wars ... so the minority can control the majority.

It's time that the anti virus algorithm and its human manifests cranked themselves up and abolished the virus once and for all. Let there be the light to awaken that awareness in the DNA. Oh I forgot ... the sun has heated up and brightened up and that light wavelength is now hitting the earth and they are waking up. That's why we are being fed shit about the sun, and sun cream, and cholesterol ... agencies are trying to prevent the current sun light absorption from occurring ... I wonder why? Then there are the chemtrails and the total naff lies about global warming. Wake up mankind and see what is before your eyes ... we need the sunlight at the moment to speed up our awakening ... and the minority know this and are doing their darnedest to prevent it.

Somehow, we must kill the prejudice against each other and the misconceptions. Its time to band together ... race with race; religion with religion etc ... and become a unified team ... so we can support each other and end the prison sentence.