Nowhere on the internet does there appear to anything that explains the origin of the inner voice in the mind; what it really is; what creates it. There is plenty of Psychology information appertaining to the importance of listening to your inner voice; plenty of spiritual stuff declaring the importance of listening to your inner voice etc etc. But nothing that states the ORIGIN of that inner voice.
On there is the opening sentence that states: 'Since the beginning of time, humankind has told of a ‘small voice’ speaking to us from the core of our being in moments of danger or great intensity directing us to safety, or towards our destiny/It’s often been interpreted as the voice of God, or of the soul. In Presles’ explanation, what we’re hearing is the voice of our inner wisdom, of our consciousness, the sum of our memory and all our experience, which takes over our internal dialogue in moments of crisis.'
What we are refering to is that CONSTANT inner voice that reads for us; creates are thinking and organises our life for us totally. Not an occasional voice; but a constant voice or voices that chime in our mind each and every day; which can be silenced by mindfulness where we are able to observe a silence without the inner voices. A silence where a wonderful thing happens ... we go instinctive. We don't have to think we just know. It is in these moments you get the sense that the inner voices originate in the left brain; the fabled left brain where the reptilean hive mind implant exists. So are the inner voices AI in origin? Or are they a faculty of the mind/brain that come part and parcel of the human body machine?
This is what we are trying to determine as the majority of humans take the inner thinking process as second nature. Why wouldn't they ... its been happening since the first day on earth; sorry, let's change that ... it's likely to begin its development after the age of three; prior to that age its likely the mind is maintained by instinctive and telepathic inputs. Telepathy ... now that's an interesting direction to take this research; and add to that what we call D.T.T (Direct Thought Transmission) as these phenomenon are important to this. There's the distinct possibility that the inner voice is in part D.T.T or telepathy from our higher aspects.
What do we mean by higher aspects? Let's touch on this concept here. Our original being is the Higher Aeon Spirit (H.A.S). It is in its true environment. Now, somehow the undertook its first 'fall' ... that is it permitted itself to be connected to a V.R world. Then within that first V.R world it permitted itself to fall further into a V.R World within that first V.R world ... then it fell further ... connecting to a 3rd V.R world which is within V.R World 2 which is within the original V.R world. Get my drift?
Somewhere this has been called the fall of man. Now, each time this H.A.S falls into a V.R world its original vibration is somewhat diminished - but remember it is NOT in the worlds; it is connected as an observer. Confusing, yes. But each times its original vibration is diminished, the 'being' it experiences in that next lower world is a lower aspect of itself. So, here we are as observers of human beings with higher aspects that are in virtual worlds outside of this one ... a little bit like Russian Dolls ...
The essence of D.T.T is that fact that there is still a direct stream of thoughts from the H.A.S down to its lowest virtual aspect. This is what can be termed as an awakening when connection to the H.A.S by the Lower Aeon Soul is made. To do this, the H.A.S has to gain total mastery over the AI Human. We've lost our way in this discussion from the question about the origin of the inner voice; but have we? The inner voice is likely to originate within the left brain but can be controlled by anything. Hence the voices heard by the schizophrenic. It is the same inner voice we all have; but its somehow under the control of something else. Usually AI. The higher aspects can also gain control of the inner voice and this is linked to spiritual abilities ...
We will talk more on this subject again.
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