As a blackbird coasts through the sky, the it symbolises that what we on Earth strive for, such as higher intelligence, thoughts, and intuition.
The blackbird spirit guide does not make its presence known to the simple minded person. Rather, they only present themselves to those who they are sure can understand their teachings and apply them to their own lives. This bird does not provide you with any groundbreaking or revolutionary ideas and thoughts.
Instead, it comes to you when you have been doubting yourself and assures you that you have the answers to your own questions. All you have to do is look inside yourself, because what you seek is already brewing there
Those with this medicine often have a hypnotic influence on others
as well as an uncanny ability to move between the seen and unseen worlds
with clarity. They make excellent shamans and trance channellers.
are timid and prefer their own company over the company of others. In
humans shyness and insecurity in group settings is common. Vulnerable to
outside influences those with this totem need to remember to clear
accumulated influences from their energy field on a regular basis. The
male's distinctive song during breeding season is loud and melodious
with flute like qualities. Males often sing from high perches and both
sexes produce a variety of sounds which include mimicking other birds.
Blackbird medicine people love to sing and have the ability use their voice to heal and inform. They are also good ventriloquists