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Saturday 18 January 2020

Killer robots including swarms of drones that can take out a target on their own must have human control, experts warn amid fears countries are not doing enough to govern their use

This is only the tip of the iceberg!! Hidden Hand A.I are far more advanced than this ... and are ALREADY among us. They look like us, and appear to act like us ... but they are not us ... and the time will arrive when the A.I humanoids are unveiled. By then it will be too late ... if not already! 

[David Icke]: Countries are rapidly developing 'killer robots' - machines with artificial intelligence that independently kill - but are moving at a snail's pace on agreeing global rules over their use in future wars, warn technology and human rights experts.

From drones and missiles to tanks and submarines, semi-autonomous weapons systems have been used for decades to eliminate targets in modern day warfare - but they all have human supervision.

Nations such as the United States, Russia and Israel are now investing in developing lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) which can identify, target, and kill a person all on their own - but to date there are no international laws governing their use.

Some kind of human control is necessary ... Only humans can make context-specific judgements of distinction, proportionality and precautions in combat,' said Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).' ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...