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Saturday 18 April 2020

Bill Gates Being Destroyed on Twitter is the Most Uplifting Thing You’ll See Today

[Waking Times]: Bill Gates is in his element these days, making appearances on all the mainstream channels, telling everyone about his plan to save the world from Coronavirus.

While there might be a herd of people who are looking for a savior like Bill Gates, so-called ‘conspiracy theorists‘ have been warning the world for decades that Gates has long been positioning himself to be the provider of a pandemic vaccine that would be a safety requirement for all people to travel, drive, work, engage in commerce, worship, gather, or go to school.

But no one elected him to take charge of the situation.

He’s not a politician, not a doctor, not a virologist, nor an epidemiologist, not a scientist, and he’s not even a populist. In fact, he’s been on record for years talking about the need to reduce the global population through vaccine programs that discourage population growth.

What Gates is is a business man, and while he has done a great public relations job of presenting himself as a philanthropist, business and philanthropy together create an uncomfortable conflict of interest.

This is a free world, supposedly, so if you want a Gates’ sponsored vaccine, good for you, go for it. Go ask your doctor, and go spend your money on it.

Apparently, though, a LOT of people are NOT interested, and people from all over the world are absolutely destroying Gates on his Twitter account over this. To be honest, it’s one of the most comforting displays of solidarity and resistance I’ve seen in these darkening times.On Gates’ own Twitter page, nearly every post of his is flooded with people calling him out for the damage his vaccine programs have caused, and declaring their right to refuse any vaccine about to be rolled out for this...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...