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Sunday 5 April 2020

Bill Gates REFUSES to recommend nutrition (zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C) and instead focuses entirely on vaccines and police state tracking

It's too easy to let fear control us here, and panic when we read anything this psychopathic mad man says. 

This appears to be a form of operant conditioning, getting people used to an idea. 

But, if we control our fear, and look at it in a very calm manner ... why would this mad man announce his intentions publically? Unless of course he is certain the horse he is backed is a certainty to win? Or it is not what he intends to do. 

Think about it ... if and when his vaccine is announced, and you are to have it ... you would refuse, right, based on all these alleged claims he makes in public interviews? No .... this is not what it seems. It looks like fake news, or disinformation propaganda ... or perception deception.   

[Natural News]: Microsoft co-founder and outspoken eugenicist Bill Gates has a plan to tackle the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But it doesn’t involve actually supporting the human immune system through proper nutrition.

Instead, Gates wants to jab everyone with a future vaccine, as well as indefinitely force people to social distance from one another and remain in isolation for their own alleged protection.

During a recent interview with “CBS This Morning” co-host Anthony Mason, Gates divulged how he believes that the federal government needs to “set the priorities” on testing so that “we can all go back to some level of normalcy.”

According to Gates, the executive branch along with so-called “experts” in public health need to be putting extreme pressure on the governors of all 50 states to implement medical martial law, in violation of the Constitution, because this is the only way to tackle the crisis.

Failing at any point to mention the benefits of things like zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C for natural immune support, as well as any of the treatment methods successfully employed in South Korea, Gates instead spoke of harsh government restrictions, chemical vaccines and even novel Mark of the Beast microchips as the “solutions” to the pandemic situation.

Gates says he’s concerned about all of the people out there who are “worried” about catching the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), but who can’t get tested because there isn’t enough capacity. What he’d like to see is expanded testing capacity in order to support his foundation’s efforts to develop “new vaccine platforms.”

“I think this time people understand that this is a trillions-of-dollars event,” Gates stated about the impact of the virus on the world economy. “It’s going to be hundreds of thousands of lives on a global basis.”

“I think now people understand why those alarms were raised and that, for the next one, we will be far more ready than we were for this one,” he added....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...