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Wednesday 15 April 2020

Covid-19 Insight #11

I have to admit that I'm really not happy undertaking these Covid-19 insights. It's become almost a compulsion ... and I'm been driven by a higher aspect of myself to keep offering insights into this current issue.

It's identical to the 3-5-7 mystery ..

And what's more, the forces behind the Covid-19 agenda are likely to have played a hand in the 3-5-7 mystery too.

The compulsion is strong, and it feels like I'm merely a vehicle for whatever force is driving me. The way tonight's cards were chosen was very odd. The number of times the deck was shuffled each time resonated on today's vibration ... 15.4.2020 = 6 + 4 + 4 = 14 times = a 5 vibration.

A 5 vibration to me is always a turning point or the mid point between making choices by way of the mind/intellect and making choices by way of the heart/emotion. It is at this point now with the UK lockdown as there is apparently a battle between the doves and the hawks in the UK government. It's only right at this time to glean an insight into just how the UK will get out of the lockdown ... 'what is the exit strategy for the UK?'

Grail Four - dissatisfaction; lethargy; stagnation of the spirit; boredom; 10 - 16 October

Spear Eight - prophetic insight; speedy progress and rapid growth; communication; 6 - 14 August

Sword Six - new perspectives; difficulties and blockages are cleared as a result of perceptive thought; safety and protection; 25 April - 1 May

Grail Six - rediscovery of one's roots; ancestral memories; a sense of tradition and continuance; recall; 24 - 30 October

What is apparent here then at first viewing? Instinct demands to look beyond the obvious/apparent answer. Because that's not what they will do ...

The Lockdown was a planned agenda so the exit strategy is the same! And part of the agenda is to keep the UK guessing for as long as they can. For the exit will lead to continued control but in another form.

Grail Six hints at the return to a sense of community and UK pride. Meaning they will permit interactions but obviously with continued social distancing and the ability to make it law that if the UK citizen doesn't abide by the exit rules then lockdown can be recommenced at any time.

Grail Four suggests that the schools and colleges will be opening, maybe first or as part of the first part to the strategy. Plus a relaxation of exercise rules and permission to visit beaches etc ... but with strict social distancing rules.

Sword Six is hard to fathom but it hints at a return to work for many ... but with strict safety and protection guidelines ... possibly phone apps and other surveillance. Too good to be true that this stage is at the end of April 2020? This doesn't coincide with earlier insights ... which point to early June for the first stages.

Spear Eight seems the most ominous thing. Communication and speedy progress/rapid growth? Not for the UK citizens benefit it is not ... this is some kind of compulsory surveillance or monitoring being put in place that will be enforced in August 2020?

Overall it's a stage by stage exit ... and there will never be a full return back to the freedoms that we known prior to the lockdown ... sadly.

Sword Six does reflect the horrors of a police state or a society under much more surveillance and scrutiny ... all under the name of protection and safety.