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Wednesday 15 April 2020

When The ‘Mass Arrests’ Don’t Happen, Will We Realize We Can’t Wait For A Saviour?

[Collective Evolution]: Many are claiming that under the guise of the coronavirus lockdown, an alliance is preparing to arrest deep state players and that we will see 3 - 10 days of darkness. This narrative does not seem to be truly empowering humanity.

Do you truly resonate with these predictions? Is this what will bring about a world where we thrive? Or is this perhaps still focused on blaming others without looking at the role wee play in why our world is the way it is?

A few weeks ago, a great deal of strong and widely shared predictions began to once again surface that the mass arrest of the Deep State and it’s players is going to occur under the guise of this coronavirus lockdown. Specifically, people claim we are going to see full internet outages for 3 – 10 days, where the mass arrest of these high profile figures will be carried out by the US military in April 2020. Immediately when I heard these predictions once again, I felt within myself that this is the moment, this is when the focus on these decade long predictions may finally come to an end and we can begin doing the ‘real work.’ I felt this because I truly don’t feel this is going to occur.

Now I want to be clear, it’s not that I feel no big name political official will be arrested from now until the end of time or anything of that nature, I simply just do not feel that this idea that the deep state will be defeated and a solar flash will evolve everyone’s consciousness is what is going to move humanity forward to a world where we truly thrive. To me, this is a narrative built out of the idea that we can’t possibly do this ourselves, so someone or something has to do it for us. The key missing ingredient here is: there is no learned self-empowerment....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...