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Friday 8 May 2020

Britons were 'terrorised' by the government's tough coronavirus message and 'lost sight' of the fact most people only have mild illness, says SAGE adviser

Classic TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL in action. Classic CHAOS SORCERY in action where the Covid-19 'pandemic' is the shock and all the current 'issues' are the confusion. 

Classic fear mongering techniques to scare the shit out of people into thinking they are going to die (The ultimate fear that being THE FEAR OF DEATH). 

People will then be too scared to think anything other than the fear which has been created by the trauma and the mental cruelty (Now called CORONAPHOBIA) ... so when the 'next' wave arrives ... their fear will self-police them back into a lockdown ... without the fear of dying (Like me - I've had an actual death experience) this mass brainwashing exercise can't control you.

The daily death tolls are NOT real. They may be actual deaths, but are deaths by other causes made to read as Covid-19 deaths. It's all an live drill to instill real fear in everyone, in preparation for the next wave and further bioweapons! The UK does NOT have over 30,000 Covid-19 deaths. I would be surprised if the real death rate was any more than 300!

[Daily Fear Mail]: Boris Johnson's hardline coronavirus lockdown message has 'effectively terrorised' the UK population into believing they will die if they catch coronavirus, one of the government's experts has said. 

Professor Robert Dingwall suggested Britain had 'completely lost sight' of the true nature of the disease because 'mostly it isn't' killing people. 

His comments illustrate the potential problems facing the Prime Minister as he prepares to set out his lockdown exit plan in an address to the nation on Sunday night. 

Polling published yesterday showed almost two thirds of the population are worried about the effects of lifting the draconian curbs too early. 

Some experts are concerned that so-called 'coronaphobia' could prove a major barrier to getting the nation back up and running. 

Prof Dingwall from Nottingham University sits on the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), which feeds into the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage). 

He told The Telegraph: 'We have this very strong message which has effectively terrorised the population into believing that this is a disease that is going to kill you. And mostly it isn't.
'Eighty per cent of the people who get this infection will never need to go near a hospital. The ones who do go to hospital because they are quite seriously ill most of them will come out alive - even those who go into intensive care.' 

He added: 'All of that helps to create this climate of fear and I am not surprised in a sense that the Government might take a rather cautious approach to try to unlock the lockdown - simply because they would really be nervous that if they pushed it too quickly it would be like giving a party and nobody came.'...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...