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Monday 18 May 2020

Dependency on the State

[David Icke]: The Novel Coronavirus has changed our lives, now and for the unseen future. People all across the globe have come to a place of revolt, to protest against the governments that are locking them down, forcing many businesses to close, and encroaching on the livelihood of everyone.

It certainly does not take any psychic abilities to notice that something about this situation does not make sense, and that this COVID-19 pandemic should be labeled as a “Plandemic”. I do not take credit for that new word, but it certainly makes sense to me that this scenario that we are in make no sense, and appears to be more of a plan and an agenda for tighter control and new imposing laws.

Even with two simple pieces of information, you can surmise that this event has been conjured up and that this virus is no worse than other viruses that we have experienced. The first is that the Coronavirus Bill was first introduced in January 2019, yes you heard me correctly, the press made it seem like they rushed the drafting and signing of this bill in just a couple of months. You can find the history of the H.R.748-CARES Act at this link. Secondly, there was a large-scale exercise, called Event 201, based on a global pandemic.

This exercise just happened to occur just before the large-scale breakout began in Wuhan China. There are a huge amount of “coincidences” surrounding this pandemic, however, as you should be able to clearly see, this pandemic was expected, if not planned.

Nothing about this virus outbreak is truly hidden, and most of the information is in plain sight, if you know where to look.

Now the citizens of this earth are crying foul stating that all of our rights are being taken away, and that the governments of the world are pushing them to become dependent on the state. I do not disagree that this pandemic is slowly chipping away at what we all consider freedom and forcing us to become more dependent on our governments. However, are we truly free, and do we really live outside of government dependency?

I would argue that we are very much dependent on our governments and states to provide for us. Most of us may not truly see how dependent we have become, for our basic needs, and on the system that supports our way of life and our survival. Gone are the days when we can truly live off the land, hunt for meat, harvest and eat off the land, and find fresh water free of pollutants. Every time we go to the grocery store, a retail store, or a restaurant, we are purchasing and consuming food and items that have been completely scrutinized, taxed and financed in some way by our governments....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...