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Saturday 9 May 2020

Mainstream Media Is Trying Hard To Convince Us That “Plandemic” Is A “Conspiracy Theory”

I've been able to view this brilliant film twice, and I have to say it contains very DAMNING and REVEALING information as to what is going ... accurate and inspiring. I can understand why the powers that be are doing their utmost to have it banned. It is explosive material powerful enough to thwart their evil efforts to have us all injected with a fatal concoction of poisons!

[Collective Evolution]: A new film titled "Pandemic" has surfaced, and the producers recently released their first instalment and it featured an interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD.

Should people have the right to decide for themselves what is real and what is not instead of having an authoritarian fact-checker doing it for them? Should certain opinions and information be erased?

The term “conspiracy theory” is used a lot these days to debunk information that’s clearly not a conspiracy. It’s part of the ridicule tactics used by mainstream media and the small group of people who own these networks as they use them to sway public opinions, shape perception, and literally ‘bash’ anything that threatens their interests. For the past decade, one of the best examples has been the “war on terror.” Many people have since become aware that those who have been providing the solution, have also been involved in creating the problem. Terrorist organizations have been created, funded and armed by governments who use terrorism to infiltrate other countries for ulterior motives under the guise of good will.

This is referred to as false flag terrorism, and it was once called a “conspiracy theory.” Media is then used to push this justification by enhancing the fear and hysteria that can be created using terrorism, making it seem as if the war is just, when again, it’s being used for ulterior motives abroad and at home in order to heighten the national security state. Patriotism is also used to enhance this justification, convincing the populace that soldiers are fighting for our freedom. We are living in a time of mass propaganda and brainwashing, and we have been for quite some time.

Are we seeing the same thing with the new coronavirus? Many ‘prominent’ figures have suggested that yes, we are. That the new coronavirus is being used to justify authoritarian measures that are being placed upon the population as a result of this pandemic, like enhanced surveillance measures, economic shutdown, the ridicule of other therapies in order to push a vaccine, and forced lockdown.

The point is, there is a lot of credible information, evidence, expert testimony and science that really highlights this perspective. What’s even more suspicious is that these perspectives are being blocked and censored by social media platforms and deemed false by mainstream media.

We must ask ourselves, why is there a digital Orwellian authoritarian fact checker patrolling the internet, banning content, and telling people what is real and what is fake instead of letting people decide for themselves? What is really going on here? These are important questions to ask. Should people not have the right to examine information and sources and use their own discernment? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....