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Monday 4 May 2020

Tanzania’s President Tests Pawpaw Fruit For COVID-19 & It Tested Positive: “Something Is Happening”

[Collective Evolution]: Tanzania's President John Magufuli has dismissed imported coronavirus testing kits as faulty, saying they returned positive results on samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw.

How much of what we're being told is false? How much is true? What is really going on with the new coronavirus, testing, death rates and infection fatality rates?

Are there powerful people trying to capitalize off the coronavirus in some way?

Coronavirus test kits that’ve been sent to Tanzania, Africa, have come under fire from their president, John Magufuli. Magufuli is claiming that coronavirus testing kits are faulty, given the fact that they have returned positive results on samples taken from a pawpaw fruit as well as a goat.

After the testing kits were imported from abroad, he ordered Tanzanian security forces to check the quality of the kits. To do this, they obtained multiple non-human samples, which also included a pawpaw, a goat and a sheep. They assigned them human names and ages and were then submitted to Tanzania’s laboratory for coronavirus testing, all the while the lab technicians were deliberately left unaware of the origins of the samples.

The president said the samples tested positive for COVID-19, and as a result, he stated his belief that this meant it was probable that some people were testing as positive when it fact they were not infected by the coronavirus.

He has said that “There is something happening. I said before we should not accept that every aid is meant to be good for this nation.”

But what does that mean? Is he implying that foreign aid has another agenda? In this case, to perhaps make the coronavirus more of an issue than it actually is? He is suggesting that there is manipulation and ‘sabotage’ when it comes to the virus numbers....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...