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Tuesday 12 May 2020

UK announces 627 more coronavirus deaths taking official number of victims to 32,692 - but separate grim statistics suggest the TRUE death toll could be around 45,000

The random number generator comes up with another figure as part of the daily 'scare the crap out of the UK public'. Again we ask the question, out of these '32,692 confirmed deaths' how many are COVID-19 DEATHS alone? Not Covid-19 related but actual death due to Covid-19 infection?

And then, the other question how many of these confirmed deaths are people who had the flu jab? How many of the deaths did not have the flu jab? Important questions unanswered ... yet they still churn out these fearmongering figures ... using the sad deaths in Care homes to boot the figures up, and keep up the reason for the illegal house arrest! How many of the people in care homes who sadly passed had the flu jab??? All of them we would say! This is sheer corruption on a world stage. AND it's bullshit. AND it's some kind of sick and twisted social experiment to see how human beings react to the first wave of this virus. They know then to release 'the second wave' and cause real havoc. Then it will not be a dress rehearsal like this ... it will be the real thing!!

Oh yes ... the fear mongering MSM article ... [Daily Bullshit Fear Mail]:  Britain today announced 627 more coronavirus victims in hospitals, taking the UK's official death toll to 32,692 - but separate statistics suggest the true number of fatalities could be closer to 45,000 while other estimates suggest at least 50,000 may have died. 
The UK's COVID-19 crisis has slowed down in the past month, with data consistently suggesting the peak of the outbreak was in mid-April and deaths in hospitals and care homes now appear to be falling across the board.

Just 210 deaths were announced yesterday, the lowest daily toll since March 26 (183), but the figure rises every Tuesday because of a recording lag at the weekend. For comparison, 693 deaths were announced last Tuesday.

Figures released by the Department of Health today include non-hospital patients who have succumbed to the virus, such as those who died in their own home or in care.