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Friday 7 August 2020

Covering Up the Awakening – Massive Lockdown Protest in Berlin Downplayed and Demonized by MSM

[Waking Times]: We’re at a crossroads at the moment, and most people are choosing to obedience to the emerging new order. Here in the U.S., the hysteria and fear is thick, palpable and ugly. Just as Stanley Milgram demonstrated in his now famous social experiment, most people are turning against their fellow neighbors and countrymen and willfully posing as enforcers of the new normal.

The media in this nation is a cancer, eating away at the social fabric of our society, demanding that we find differences between ourselves and everyone else, and demanding that we lose ourselves in the collective madness. The American spirit of individualism and personal liberty is being stamped out by peer pressure to conform and obey. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, though.

As a people, Americans have long been admired the world over for our supposed courage in defending liberty, but today we’re so fractured and confused that we can’t seem to come together in any meaningful numbers. The police state that has emerged around us has been so discouraging to real protest movements that we’ve even given up protesting against the never-ending wars. We’ve become docile, domesticated, distracted, divided, dysfunctional and delusional. We no longer oppose tyranny.

Time for someone else to carry the torch.

Last week in Germany, a massive crowd of people hit the streets to protest the lockdowns which are killing businesses, destroying families, and causing untold stress, loneliness and depression, all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus. ‘Masks Make Us Slaves,’ read one banner....<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...