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Saturday 8 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Are YOU A Homo Sheeple and Will YOU Being Having Mr 666's Poison Jab?'

And still they roll with the myth. The death mountain number produced by the Sage random number generator for tonight is ... 1 and 6 ... 16.

16 more deaths that are people who tested 'positive' for the Covid-19 test so went on the PHE database. They will then have died from their underlying health condition. BUT, the corrupt Public Health England will use their deaths to boost up their magic number to keep the fearmongering deception going.

And, the poor hapless brainwashed Homo Sheeples have sadly bought the lie ... we were amongst them again today. We were face nappy free. They were looking at us with coronaphobic rage in their eyes. They also had clear signs of anxiety and panic in our presence.

Their C.R.A.P is perfect proof that the government trauma based mind control has conditioned large numbers of the UK population ready to be jabbed with the Mr 666 poison .... which is what this scam is all about.

Sadly our new song is very true:

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

 When you see the BULLSHIT you realise just what is taking place. We are surrounded by towns and areas back into lockdown ... because the increase in testing has increased the number of cases, so our corrupt death cult controlled government declare these areas have significant rises in infections. The coronaphobic Homo Sheeples are buying it, and due to herd mentality they are beginning to see the un-masked Homo Sapiens as a threat ... so the sheep may soon be turning on the goats here in the UK.

Instead of permitting themselves to see the huge lie and revolt like people are doing in Germany, they prefer to believe the huge myth that a killer virus is on the streets, and the un-masked could be carriers, and that they might DIE if they come in contact with us. What baaarmy madness! A virus that you need to be tested, to see if you have it, remember? A virus that has mild symptoms for most. A virus that will only develop in those who had last year's Flu Jab or have serious health conditions only. A virus specifically designed as a first stage genocide catalyst!!

A virus that has been used to create crazy coronaphobia to destroy mankind. And the Homo Sheeples refuse to see it ..

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!