'THAT MAN THERE IS GOING TO KILL US ALL' shouted the young child which had been egged on by his father who stood beside him, and the rest of his family. All were Homo Sheeples complete with colourful face nappy.
I was the solitary Homo Sapien in the busy supermarket this evening. I'd just completed my shop, and was about to walk away from the self-service area, when I was confronted by a man, a women and their two boys. When I say 'confronted' I meant the man stood watching me with panic filled eyes, his wife and their children stood equally gormless. Nobody else was paying any attention to me. I watched as the man tapped his oldest boy, who then shouted at the top of his voice (Through his face nappy I might add) in an attempt to alarm me? Shame me? Bring the herd to their aid? Who knows? But it didn't work ... I made a brazen stance and walked past them saying 'baa baa baa' ... and proceeded to walk to my car determined to report the coronaphobic rage, anxiety and panic in tonight's post.
It was an example of the total madness that has descended on the world! The father nothing more than a keyboard warrior, getting his son to attack and then as I confronted him he shied behind his family like a frightened sheep. BAA BAA!
So, Bumbling Boris has threatened tougher fines from today, I still went face nappy free into the local supermarket. I do have a valid reason not to wear a face nappy. But that's beside the point. I refuse to be dictated too when there is clear deception out there with regards to 'Covid-19' which is now called Coronavirus to hide the lies.
Funny how the FLU death count is at its lowest in perhaps a decade. Odd? Not at all ... Flu deaths are now counted as Covid-19 deaths. See through the bullshit and it all makes sense.
Tonight's death mountain number is all the ones, legs eleven. Yes, 11 deaths! And still the UK government plays the non-human death cult's game ... they stick to the agenda. Classing the increase in tests that have created an increase in positive tests, as proof the infection rates are up. Using that bullshit to do local lockdowns and further impose Socialist control.
Hey Human Sheeples you do realise that cases of the COMMON COLD and INFLUENZA are the reason for all these further lockdowns and control? You do realise there have only been FOUR Covid-19 deaths since mid June 2020? You are being deceived badly by Bumbling Boris, Evil Hancok and Shitty Whitty?
I will leave you with that thought. And when your child coughs or has a runny nose back at school, he or she may well be declared as having Covid-19. You will get a phone call to say your child has been taken to an undisclosed quarantine centre indefinitely. You too might even be taken to a different one ... and your house might be quarantined (Knocked down) ... all for a common cold.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.