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Sunday 9 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Meaningless Numbers and A Deceptive Claim Of The 2nd Wave'

There's no death mountain graph for today's 'Covid-19 deaths'. The emphasis now is on the death cult's latest toy .... a yellow mountain range showing the supposed infections graph for the UK. The level of infection today is supposedly evident of the 2nd wave, with 1062 new cases.

BUT,  how many people tested have generated these new cases? What is the percentage of positives compared with the percentage of positives earlier in the year? How many of these supposed positives are in truth the common cold, or flu, or pneumonia?

It's more deception to hype up the virus that is so deadly that 'you have to be tested to see if you have the virus.' All of this is to crank up the fear factor to mesmerise the Homo Sheeples and condition them for Mr 666's deadly poison.

We've used our own Random Number Generator today since Sage seem to be reluctant to readily publish their 'number of UK deaths due to Covid -19' and our random meaningless number of tonight is 1 and 6 ... 16. This is not Covid-19 deaths ... just a number between 1 and 100 that we chose ...!So that's 16.

Apparently, when sifting through a headline new's story about the number of fresh cases, we learn that the Sage magic number is 8 for today ... so our random number was double the Sage number ... ours not being Covid-19 deaths; neither is Sage's number. PHE will have these deceased people on their positive test database, and so declare them as Covid-19 deaths even though these deaths could have been cancer, car accidents, brain tumours, heart attacks. It's just to boost the figure up and scare the Homo Sheeples. Coronaphobia is rife ...

We went shopping today. Face nappy free I hasten to add, and what we saw in every aisle was:

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

And in true scared sheep fashion, many spotted us and backed away from us with C.R.A.P totally evident in their actions. The Homo Sheeples NEED to be woken from their slumbers and quick. They are so brainwashed, and it is perhaps why they can't see the obvious pink elephant in the room; or notice that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.

The pink elephant being that Covid-19 is a trojan horse being used to undertake human genocide around the world, by the psychopathic demon worshippers who assume we are useless eaters and so utterly deserving of being massacred. Why these sick crazies think they have more right to being on planet earth, we'll never know. They are so gullible to what those demonic entities promise them ...