And still the death cult control MSM bullshit continues. The Sage random number generator produces the 6 and 5 ...... sixty five .... today. NOT Covid-19 deaths ... but deaths that would have occurred naturally even if this 'killer virus' wasn't around. Deaths that would never get reported. It's just plain DECEPTION as we keep stating.
Covid-19 has been changed to Coronavirus by a sinister sleight of the hand; just like care home deaths were added to the daily figure. So the true figure of cases and deaths of Covid-19 are hidden still further. Bastards!
We're apparently awash with a new infection wave here in the UK. Not quite as apparent as that .... when the death cult controlled government first announced the number of daily tests and how many were testing positive ... it was in hospitals and then later included care homes and the like. Then they started making 'testes' (Testes = bollocks) available to Joe & Glenda Sheeple out on the streets. They will now have to remove their face nappy to have that long thingy thrust up their nose!
Now, the tests have really been ramped up. So ... the number of cases will appear much higher. BULLSHIT. It's a serious deception going on. The death cult desperate to ramp up the dangerous nature of their flu vaccine virus/cold ... and they are d esperate to sell their bullshit. They want the Homo Sheeples to line up for the death cult's kill switch poison; sorry, Covid-19 vaccine that the wonderful boys and girls have made for us all, to rid us of this nasty virus.
A virus that is so DEADLY that you have to be tested to see if you have it! Even then it's highly unlikely you will even have any symptoms! But you can carry it without knowing you have it ... and you might just affect someone else who might die from this unproven virus. What proof can they offer to the world that the virus exists; what proof can they offer that the 600,000 world wide who've apparently died from it have it? NONE!
It's really time the Homo Sheeples threw down their face nappies, got a grip of their unfounded fear ... and help to end this BULLSHIT!!!
But they won't ... they've bought into the fear and the death cult are licking their fingers in anticipation of the Billions of dollars they will make from this criminal action! They can't wait to gain full control of this planet and subject the Homo Sheeples to technocratic control ... and they will get off on the millions who will die from this kill switch poison.
Unless we change, the reality they desire will be created by the human collective. To those who've bought this bullshit, and the fear owns them .... shame on you!!! You're disconnected from your true selves and are an ego shaped by the death cult .... and they are herding you to mass genocide.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.