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Saturday 8 August 2020

The Future is 'Clear', And It's Dystopian: Virus Hype Ushers in a Covid-1984 Nightmare of Restricted Access

[S.O.T.T]: Clear's new Health Pass and other 'Covid hi-tech innovations' are a stark warning of how the globalist 'New Normal' being mapped out will operate. Access to travel, sport & restaurants may be barred for all who refuse to comply.

"Originally launched in May, Health Pass is an extension of Clear's mobile app. The service links COVID-19 related data like a health questionnaire and temperature check to assess whether someone is healthy enough to enter a certain venue. Additionally, the app has the capability to link COVID-19 test results through partnerships with labs, and eventually vaccination status."

That's how Condé Nast Traveller described the latest piece of technology by the biometric ID company Clear, which will help the authorities determine who will, and who will not, be allowed to go to the ball.

Apartheid may have officially ended in South Africa almost 30 years ago, but it is coming back big-time in countries that pride themselves on their commitment to 'human rights.' Only, this time, it won't be people's color that will determine what they can and cannot do, but their digital 'Health Pass.' Don't want to get tested or vaccinated for coronavirus? Then just stay at home, old bean. It's your 'choice.' The fact that a large percentage of the elderly don't have smart phones and so can't download apps doesn't matter. Age discrimination, and discrimination against the disabled, is a key element of the coronavirus 'New Normal.'

It's likely that the World Economic Forum (WEF) will be very excited by Clear's work. The hardcore globalist organization has been promoting on Twitter a 'Covid-Pass' app, due to launch in September, that could "revive global travel and large events during the pandemic."

"Users will have their blood screened at an approved CovidPass laboratory, before being issued with a secure QR health visa code via their phone, which they can present at airline check-in, borders or event entrances," we're told. And if they don't want their blood screened at an 'approved CovidPass laboratory'? Forget about that week on the Algarve, or going to see your favorite pop group in concert, comrades. That is the clear implication.

Covid/Health Passes are all part of the 'Great Reset' which the WEF has called for. It's about 'public health,' about making things 'safe' and, of course, it's 'environmentally friendly': the CovidPass, you'll be pleased to know, "commits to mandatory carbon offsetting for each of its passengers."

The WEF presents the 'Great Reset' as a positive: in fact, if implemented, it will usher in a new, dark age of soul-destroying totalitarian tyranny. Important freedoms that we all took for granted will be lost. Spontaneity will be removed from our lives. The great irony is that George Orwell's 1984 never arrived in 1984, but in 2020, under the cover of authorities 'concern' over an upper-respiratory tract virus. Covid-19 could perhaps more accurately be called 'Covid-1984' for all the restrictive, authoritarian measures it has ushered in.

It's fairly obvious now that in the countries most tightly hitched to the globalists' agenda, the sterile anti-human 'New Normal' of social distancing, mandatory mask wearing and the use of biometric Health/Covid passes is meant to be permanent. Last week we heard that the English Premier League was looking at 'clinical passports' as a way of getting fans back into stadiums....<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>