Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 17 August 2020

Totem Bird of the Week - 'Crested Pigeon'

The Totem Bird of the Week for Monday 17th August 2020 to Sunday 23rd August 2020 is the Crested Pigeon. This particular medicine is associated closely with the family, the home and with heritage. It reminds us of these important parts of our lives at this time; for they are the foundations stones of who we are ... despite the efforts of dark forces at the moment, which are trying to shatter these foundation stones through this plandemic, it's vitally important that we do everything that we can to preserve our connections with our heritage, in order to remain in touch with who we are, and what we represent.

For those that are able to, it is vitally important to visit family over the next week and re-connect with our living heritage ... if not in person, then certainly by phone or by other electronic means. It is also important to visit former haunts to remember the past, and how things were, and remember who we were, and who we are.

In the same vein, this medicine will make it important to make a connection with our lost heritage; to remember those family members we have lost via photographs and discussions with surviving members. We cannot let this damn lockdown and power grab destroy our families and our sense of heritage.