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Monday 10 August 2020

UK government empowers local councils to DESTROY buildings they suspect of harboring COVID-19

[Natural News]: It’s a stunning power grab for a country that purports to be all in for American-style freedom.

The British government has recently empowered local city and town councils throughout the country with the authority to deem buildings ‘coronavirus epicenters’ and order them destroyed.

The advice paper, which was found and reported by The Telegraph initially, notes that the authority gives local councils the power to ostensibly destroy factories, offices, eldercare facilities and even private homes if the action is deemed necessary and ‘in the public interest.’

Also, it gives councils the power to destroy public transportation including buses, trains, privately owned vehicles and planes.

The advice paper empowers local councils to “close certain businesses and venues (for example shops, cafes, gyms, recreation centers, offices, labs, warehouses); close outdoor public areas (for example parks, playgrounds, beaches, esplanades, outdoor swimming pools) and order deep-cleans of buildings or vehicles linked to outbreaks.”

In addition, local governing bodies will have the option of introducing lockdown measures within their jurisdictions, which Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s administration believes is preferable to introducing a second COVID-19 lockdown of the entire country.

“The local lockdown powers will include the ability to close or limit the activities of schools, and to set the age range for students allowed to attend classes,” Breitbart reports. “The councils will also be able to shut down or limit public events and gatherings, as well as being able to shut down businesses.”

That’s an incredible amount of power for a local government — let alone a national government — to have.

Imagine if a business or homeowner in a British town upsets the local council in some manner; what’s to stop that council from ‘deeming’ the business owner’s building or the homeowner’s domicile as a ‘center’ of coronavirus and ordering it destroyed? Who could stop the council’s action?

It’s not clear what the British government was thinking in 1984 when elected leaders passed such a broad, potentially dangerous law, but it’s also not evident that they’re willing to do anything now to change or repeal it, even as the virus begins to recede around the world....<<<Read Full Article Here>>>...