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Monday 7 December 2020

Reasons Why Belief in Authority is the Most Dangerous Superstition

[Waking Times]: Let’s get something straight, here at the outset. There’s nothing wrong with authority itself. It’s the belief part that messes everything up. Anyone can claim authority. But such authority only matters if others believe in it.

Respecting a prestigious authority, or taking into consideration important knowledge gleaned by someone who is an authority in a particular domain of knowledge is fine. It’s even okay that sometimes we allow people to violate our minds. We allow artists to do it all the time. No, it’s when we “believe” in authority, when we blindly follow a perceived authority, that things go wrong.

Belief implies non-questioning. But let’s sail right past semantics and art and get down to brass tacks. Blind belief in authority is dangerous. And it’s doubly dangerous when the majority of people are under its spell. Here are five reasons why....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...