The lying psychopaths and behavioural psychologists (SAGE) have gone back to their original script. Their fear narratives are utter lies. This is the desperate push to further brainwash the frightened sheep to submit to their deadly vaccines.
This is all a psy-ops; project fear. This is influenza and pneumonia season ... and they are using the traditional deaths from these illnesses as the basis for their satanic script.
The first covid virus HAS NEVER BEEN IDENTIFIED. Neither has this IMAGINARY MUTANT SECOND VIRUS. The PCR tests are deceptive and produce false positive test results which are not cases.
Healthy people CANNOT spread anything if they don't have symptoms.
THIS IS ALL AN EVIL ILLUSION. Wake up from your slumbers brainwashed people, and quick. Once those jabs go in your arms it's game over. SERIOUSLY.
You think 2020 was bad .... 2021 is going to be 1000 times worse. If you carry on mask wearing, and falling for this utter evil bullshit.