Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 3 December 2020

The NHS is building vaccination teams by recruiting firefighters, flight attendants, church leaders and the unemployed

Fear narratives only. Alas the gullible and the anxious will fall for this campaign, and agree to be injected with a vaccine for a virus that doesn't exist ... a vaccine that is clearly not about protecting lives. These hapless souls will most likely be maimed or killed. At the least their fundamental 'human-ness' will be changed forever. The first batch of transhumans .... with countless thousands more to follow worldwide.  

[Natural News]: The National Health Services (NHS) are preparing to “do their part” as public health authorities get ready for the most aggressive vaccine campaign in the history of the world. NHS leaders are reaching out to celebrities, “influencers” and church leaders to persuade the population to take the new experimental mRNA inoculations. Members of the royal family, famous actors, actresses and athletes are among some of the “celebrities” who will be recruited to promote the shots.

An NHS staffer said they are looking to get as many people vaccinated as possible. “NHS England [is] looking for famous faces, people who are known and loved. It could be celebrities who are very sensible and have done sensible stuff [those who have followed all the rules] during the pandemic.”

Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, said that celebrities and famous faces will help “people hear the UN-truth.”

The NHS is also building vaccination teams that will be trained to administer shots throughout society. These vaccination teams will consist of firefighters, flight attendants and people who are now unemployed thanks to the lockdown policies that destroyed people’s lives, jobs and businesses. An internal NHS briefing paper reveals that these recruits will be paid £10 an hour to administer the jabs. According to the paper, the campaign will employ “tens of thousands” of extra staff and will use the headline: “Your NHS needs you.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...