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Monday 15 February 2021

'Currawong' - Totem Bird of the Week

Currawong is the Totem Bird of the Week for Monday 15th to Sunday 21st February 2021. It's distinctive call is the sound of nature itself. The perfect 'OM'. It's sound brings bliss and harmony to ears that hear its haunting sound. Something that is needed right now. It is also said to represent the sound of those who have gone before us, coming to pay a visit. 

As the Master Magician, the Currawong deals with both white and black magic. It is a fortuitous omen for those who work with the correct intention; from the heart and with total honesty. For those who hide their intentions and are somewhat 'dark' Currawong is not a good omen. So, with Currawong sent forth, those who are currently taking of advantage of the gullible human race, fooled by their black magic spells, Currawong is likely to prove a fearsome opposition ... this week needs to be a turning  point in all of this nonsense.