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Wednesday 10 February 2021

Racially-aggravated assault, carrying loaded gun, incest and attempting to have sex with child under 13: List of crimes that will get you LESS time in prison than 10-year jail term for lying about going to Covid mutant hotspots

[David Icke]: Racially-aggravated assault, carrying a loaded gun, incest and attempting to have sex with a child under the age of 13 are crimes that will receive a shorter jail term than for lying about going to Covid mutant hotspots.

Matt Hancock said yesterday that travellers who try to hide having been in high-risk countries could be jailed for up to 10 years. From Monday, all arrivals from 33 ‘red list’ countries will have to pay £1,750 to quarantine for 10 days in Government-designated hotels.

The Health Secretary unveiled the extreme borders crackdown while saying it was necessary to stop mutant strains entering the UK. 

But his announcement sparked backlash from former Supreme Court justice Lord Sumption, who branded the maximum prison sentence as ‘inhumane’, and ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve, who described it as ‘draconian’.

The jail term is longer than the seven-year maximum penalties received for racially-aggravated assault (ABH or GBH), carrying a firearm in a public place, incest with a child under 13 and attempted sexual intercourse with a child under 13....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...