A new government bill proposes that ministers take back powers ceded to the NHS in 2012, to make it easier for them to order the NHS to adopt a more preventative approach to healthcare. That sounds benign enough, but it isn’t. In reality it’ll open the door to even more state interference in our lives. One line in the white paper which contains the proposals reads: “…care that focuses not just on treating particular conditions, but also on lifestyles, on healthy behaviours and prevention.” Pay close attention to “lifestyles and healthy behaviours.”
The plan is to blame individuals for poor health and insist on sweeping lifestyle change. Our life choices are putting unnecessary strain on the health service they will say. Therefore, we must be good citizens and change our behaviour. They will implement this brave new approach to healthcare through the Chinese Social Credit model. It will be drilled into us that our health is most certainly not our own business, that in fact it impacts wider society.
They will point to Covid-19 and say that if we’d taken better care of ourselves, the pandemic wouldn’t have hit us quite as hard. The dawn of the internet of things and smart cities will make it easy for them to monitor us. Health passports are here now and here to stay. There will be consequences for those who aren’t taking care of themselves, though what exactly those consequences might be, I can’t say. Restrictions of some kind or another I’d guess....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>...