Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 22 April 2021

Are UFOs or UAPs Being Used To Usher In A ‘New World Order’?

[Collective Evolution]: Many of you reading this are probably well aware of the fact that mainstream UFO disclosure is taking off, and has been taking off over the past couple of years. Major media outlets like the New York Times and CNN have covered the topic with extreme legitimacy, and given the fact that much of the public relies on these outlets for information, they are now becoming aware of the fact that there are objects in our atmosphere performing maneuvers that no known man made piece of machinery can.

This seems strange to many, however, every time we (Collective Evolution) post an article, there is no shortage of comments stating that all of this is some sort of deception. That either the global elite are staging sightings using some sort of advanced technology in order to prepare for some sort of false flag alien invasion, or that governments are working with malevolent extraterrestrials to do so, both options seem to be for the same purpose which would be to help usher in the “New World Order.” These are the claims.

If anything, based on my research these objects are very real, there is not much evidence that they represent a malevolent force, and that governments and mainstream media may twist our perception of the phenomenon to help bring about aspects of what some call “The New World Order.”

The idea of a “New World Order” has been a common theme within multiple subjects. In essence, the idea of a New World Order is that there is a conspiracy to create a new totalitarian world government that would not benefit people as a whole. It includes the rollout of measures under the guise of goodwill to combat “problems” our world is facing. Proponents of the New World Order theory believe that many of these problems, like climate change and COVID, are manufactured and/or used to justify more surveillance. It also includes a digital world armed with more tracking, surveillance, and the acquisition of data from all citizens, as well as the rollout of various laws and reforms that continually lead us to a world where many of our rights and freedoms are stripped from us. Again, all of this under the guise of goodwill and for “our protection.”

With the current COVID ‘crisis’, many believe “New World Order” has been replaced with “The Great Reset.” Right now rights and freedoms that we once enjoyed are not accessible to many, and luxuries like travel and attending public entertainment venues may require a vaccine. These, and many more are all aspects of this New World Order according to many.....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....