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Wednesday 6 October 2021

Professor Lockdown the Cult-owned, Gates-owned, liar Ferguson says ministers may need to resort to winter Covid ‘Plan B’ if daily admissions breach just 1,200 – which could see Brits forced to wear masks and carry vaccine passports.

 It's getting to squeaky bum October, November and December. The satanic parasites are itching to enforce Australian-esque mayhem on the UK Streets. 

Manchester will cop it. It's on the same list of cities as Melbourne and Sydney. Expect sheer desperation on the part of the shit scared globalists as they desperately try to bring their doomed plan together. 

We say stock up with paintball guns and pellets .... and hit em' where it hurts when the rubber bullets are fired in the UK!

[David Icke]: England may have to resort to its winter Covid ‘Plan B’ if daily hospital admissions for coronavirus breach 1,200, ‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson said today.

Boris Johnson announced last month that face masks, social distancing and vaccine passports might need to be brought back if the NHS comes under unsustainable pressure.

Ministers said the trigger point will be hospital rates now that the jabs have made case numbers less important — but they have not put a threshold on admissions.

Professor Ferguson — a key Government adviser whose modelling prompted the first lockdown last March — suggested England should not tolerate more than 1,200 daily hospitalisations. For comparison, Covid admission levels breached 4,000 during the darkest days of the second wave in January.

Speaking to a cross-party committee of MPs today, he said that the country was currently recording around 600 Covid admissions per day.

He added: ‘If that figure were to double, we’d need to think about moving to “Plan B”.’ The epidemiologist, based at Imperial College London, called for ‘more intense’ curbs if there is a sharp rise in admissions.