Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 14 October 2021

Tempering The Blade

We may well be faced with what is likely to be the hardest challenges in human existence in the last two hundred years. For many this is an awful experience. It's heart breaking; desperate; horrendous. That's understandable ... for the most part, human beings are not aware of what is happening to them.

For others, it appears to be a fantastic opportunity (I'm not talking about the globalist parasites as they do not fit the category of human any more). There is an understanding of what is being presented to them by the universe.

It's not the first time this has happened. If you are aware of the disappearance of the Tartarians; then you'll know what is being talked about here. Prior to around 1780 - 1800 approx, mankind lived in relative peace with natural healing, free energy and a society that was not parasitic in nature. Sadly, there was darkness growing ... and it seized its chance to rid the world of the last great advanced civilisation. Then rewrite history, science and the true nature of life. They hid the Tartarian race in plain sight .... butchering billions of people; keeping the kids and making them orphans to start a new human civilisation after a deliberately created massive flood ... 

Anyway, I digress. We are all likely recycled Tartarians in one form or another. The parasites have fooled us into walking back into their ritual field to provide them with the energy to survive and minds to use to help manifest their desires. 

That cannot be refuted. But in truth, this is the 'tempering of the blade' .... a process of strengthening the spirit by forcing it onto the brink of oblivion. Let it see everything it is by showing it what it is not. Let it see what it stands to lose. To let it be jolted into a realisation.

We've all been kidnapped ... and forced into this slavery. We have a chance to break free. Those who fail to see this and are permitting the black ritual to manifest an eternal hell for them ... that is their weakness for not realising what is going on.

For those that can see what is going on. We need to refuse to comply. To ignore the conjuring that is going on. For the black magic castings need our attention to be created into a reality. If our minds are elsewhere and ignoring what is apparently unfolding then we cannot have our minds used. The media and the MSM are used by black magicians to steal away our freewill to think what we want to think. By watching things unfold we are letting our attention go where they want it to go,

IGNORE. And buckle up for the rough ride ahead. We win this. The blades will be sharpened to a razor sharp edge and our truth will sever the connections with the dark ones .....! - Matthew James