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Monday 18 October 2021

Transhuman Convention In Spain Lays Out Global Transformation Of Human Life

 Na. We don't think so. Nice plan parasites and Luciferians. It is not going to happen. 

You can plan and flaunt it in front of us as much as you want. You can parade it all over social media, MSM and web sites. 

It does not mean we are coming over to your alternative reality. 

All of them pushing this madness are power crazed demonised mentally ill humans who have lost all connection with source and spirit. They are machines thinking like machines. They have no idea about the universal consciousness and its limitless power.

[David Icke]: This high-level summit of Transhumans includes top leaders like Ray Kurzweil (Google), Max More (Alcor Life Extension), Natasha Vita-More (Humanity Plus), Ben Goertzel (SingularityNET) and many other

To suggest that these are just speculations of marginalized wingnuts is ludicrous. They are front-and-center thought leaders in major industries. Ray Kurzweil, for instance, is Director of Engineering at Google and co-founder of Singularity University. Kurzweil does not “need” a job, but took the position at Google – to further his Transhuman dreams. John Mather is Senior Astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, funded by taxpayer money. Nell Watson is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, which has always been closely associated with the Trilateral Commission. ⁃ TN Editor

Transhumanism is a futuristic religion that exalts technology as the highest power. Transhumanists’ goal is to merge man with machine. Their wildest prophecies seem ridiculous at first, until you consider the dizzying advances in bionics, robotics, neuroprosthetics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and genetic engineering.

Prominent figures gathered at the TransVision 2021 conference in Madrid over the weekend. Listening to the proceedings online, I heard a broad range of totalizing schemes. There were no Luddites or Amish onstage, but of course, Spain is a long haul for a horse-and-buggy. Besides, no unvaccinated person can legally cross the Spanish border.

Transhumanists hold that the human condition of ignorance, loneliness, sadness, disease, old age, and death can be transcended through improved gadgetry. Many believe tribalism will also be eliminated — perhaps through brain implants — but this elite clique tends to be so convicted, legacy humans will have no say in the matter.

Their radical ideas are hardly marginal. Transhuman values have been implicitly embraced by the world’s wealthiest technologists. Consider Bill Gates pushing universal jabs, Jeff Bezos’s quest for “life extension,” Elon Musk’s proposed brain implants, Mark Zuckerberg’s forays into the Metaverse, and Eric Schmidt’s plans for an American technocracy racing against China.

If Big Tech is the established church, transhumanists are Desert Fathers in the wilderness.....<<<Read More>>>....