Each Starseed is practically an individual node on this High Vibe Grid (besides their other tasks)- in each and every incarnation, throughout different centuries and during different times. The nefarious factions of you know what and who have had their agenda too during each of your incarnation time periods. The details, the nature and peculiarities of their agenda, are well known to you.
Throughout your various incarnations here and even throughout a single one, your individual “high vibe broadcasting node” was artificially dimmed or deactivated by the existing activities (and their effects) of those nefarious factions, in order to weaken the entire “higher vibe net” affecting the human collective across the planet in a number of constructive ways.
In practical terms, it means your individual consciousness and energy
field, have been deliberately and consistently loaded with low vibe,
i.e. toxic notions about your actual essence and about what you are
allowed to be capable of while you are here. The beliefs and convictions
like: “It is not safe for you to be fully you”, “you are not allowed to
be in full awareness of your galactic essence”, “you are not allowed to
heal yourself or be healed”, “expanded awareness is dangerous, if you
have it, you’ll be destroyed” (…so you end up destroying your expanded
awareness). Here is an interesting one: “you are a problem on this
planet” (and my question is: for whom in particular?), etc, etc, etc....<<<Read More>>>...