While we all may laugh at the DFS furniture “sales” that are clearly not a sale, yet the marketing used tries to make consumers feel an urgency to buy a product they don’t need, in case they are too late. However, when the same cheap tactics are used by the government, it is not quite as funny. The government has a magical tool at their disposal, the PCR test that creates, what they deem as “cases” of a potentially deadly virus, therefore, used to create fear and urgency, rendering grown adults terrified and accepting of any measure that a patriarchal government proposes in order to look after them.
It is not the fault of the masses that they feel this fear, the government has relied upon it and employed behavioural scientists (SAGE) which includes communist party member, psychologist Susan Michie, to ensure it occurs almost, or exactly showing parallels to the Goebbelian methods used in WW2. Joseph Goebbels was a German Nazi politician and, chief propagandist for the Nazi Party famously said “We have made the Reich by propaganda and it is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion.”
It was this propaganda and social control that kept the
population in line, which demonstrably is what our own government
believes too and has arguably used tactics Goebbels would be proud of,
particularly through acting out one of his quotes “A lie told once
remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”. We
know all about repetition these last 20 months! ...<<<Read More>>>...