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Thursday 18 November 2021

Exposing the ‘Alien Agenda’ (i.e. the NWO) Got This Whistleblower Killed

Yes .... the New World Order is the Alien Agenda ... or was. It kind of got screwed up recently by bringing the events forward by 30 years ... the elite were ill prepared and the human awakening brought on by the higher aeons too far advanced. 

The parasites had not reckoned that they had no 'admin rights' to the areas of the 'biological computer' to tamper with the algorithms that changed the future. 

In the future THEY LOST. Our constant now just needs to run to that point and all will see that it 

[Humans Are Free]: In the early 1990s, a whistleblower named Philip Schneider came forward with an incredible testimony. After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, he decided to share classified information with the world before it was too late. For over seventeen years the federal contractor worked on numerous black budget projects.

As an engineer and geologist with Top Secret clearance, he oversaw the construction of numerous deep underground military bases across America.

While excavating one particular facility, an inconceivable event occurred. At precise that moment the staggering depth of our government’s deceit and corruption were unveiled.

In fact, what he would later reveal publicly would ultimately cost him his life.

Each year in the United States billions of taxpayer dollars go unaccounted for. According to Schneider, covert appropriation is used for subterranean operations. More than 1,477 of these locations exist globally. Most are connected by high-speed railways which utilize magnetic levitation trains. An entire labyrinth of tunnels, freeways, and cities exist miles beneath the Earth. Technologies developed here are decades beyond applications present on the surface. Within these bunkers, both humans and extraterrestrials have headquarters where various confidential experiments are conducted. Multiple floors descend into deeper levels of obscurity.

Phil was stationed in the scorching New Mexican desert in August of 1979. His team had been hired to construct a new installation on a former nuclear test site. Oddly, green and black berets were deployed to the mineralogy camp. As workers dug four preliminary tunnels, the boring machines kept breaking at a specific depth. In order to investigate what was causing damage to their machinery, he and several colleagues were lowered into the hole.

Upon reaching the bottom, he could barely believe his eyes. Standing before the unsuspecting structural mastermind was a seven-foot-tall alien gray. It produced a putrid stench worse than rotting garbage. Without hesitation, he instinctively reached for his pistol and began shooting....<<<Read More>>>...