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Friday 5 November 2021

No Fertilizer, No Food: Global shutdown of fossil fuels the quickest way to STARVATION HELL – basic chemistry lesson for ignorant Leftists

If all this doom and gloom, and potential oblivion, isn't the loud wake up call for the slumbering awakened to get up off their beds and spring to action; then we don't know what it is ....!

It's time ladies and gentlemen and fellow awakened to generate the frequencies we're down here to create. Lift the human collective frequency away from the parasites influencers ... and it's game over.

We're getting there .... 

[Natural News]: Engineered food scarcity is a weapon that’s designed to achieve depopulation across the globe by creating famine, starvation and social unrest.

The quickest way to achieve global famine is to cut off the fertilizer supply. No fertilizer = no food.

And the quickest way to shut down fertilizer production is to choke off fossil fuels.

You can’t turn solar energy directly into fertilizer. There’s no direct conversion. Natural gas and other fossil fuels, on the other hand, are directly translated into fertilizer (ammonia, initially) through a very efficient method that simply can’t be matched by “green” energy. It’s called the “Haber process.”

N2 (Nitrogen) + CH4 (Natural Gas) = Ammonia (NH3)

The N2 (nitrogen) comes from atmospheric air. The atmosphere is about 78% nitrogen, so nitrogen is readily available in the air.

As part of fertilizer production, this ammonia is then combined with carbon dioxide to produce Urea, another critical fertilizer product:

NH3 (Ammonia) + CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) = CO(NH2)2 (Urea)

Nitric acid is then produced from ammonia and oxygen:

NH3 (Ammonia) + O2 (Oxygen) = HNO3 (Nitric Acid)

Finally, the nitric acid is combined with ammonia to produce ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer product:

HNO3 (Nitric Acid) + NH3 (Ammonia) = NH4NO3 (Ammonium Nitrate)

Much of the production of fertilizer in the world centers around this chemical process known as the “Haber Process,” created in 1908, which is arguably the single most important chemical reaction to sustain humanity at current population levels:

N2 (Nitrogen) + 3H2 (Hydrogen) = 2NH3 (Ammonia)

In effect, this transforms air into fertilizer by combining it with hydrogen from fossil fuels (i.e. natural gas). This reaction takes place at a temperature of 450 C and at 200 atmospheres of pressure, meaning it requires heavy duty equipment and energy inputs in order to succeed...<<<Read More>>>...