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Friday 21 January 2022

Plan to “tag” as many people as possible under guise of COVID pandemic revealed; New cryptocurrency system controlled by global elites

 [Natural News]: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a Ukrainian-born American family physician known for promoting a three-drug combo of hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulfate and azithromycin as part of outpatient treatment for COVID-19 called the “Zelenko Protocol,” believes that SARS-CoV-2, which causes the virus, is a bioweapon, as he explained recently in a video with Dr. Joseph Mercola.

In addition, Zelenko said that he believes a simple antidote to the virus was also developed but the world’s global elite are pushing as many people as possible to get a vaccine which he says is a way to tag them for the New World Order’s slave system, according to The Exposé.

“In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming,” Zelenko says in the interview. “The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. So, the obvious rhetorical question is, ‘Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who’s advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population?’”

He went on to note that the following year, Klaus Schwab, a German economist and founder of the World Economic Forum, opined that within a decade (2026) all humans will be tagged with some form of digital identifier.

“What does, that mean, and why?” Zelenko pondered before recounting a “sequence of events.”

“A bioweapon is made with an antidote, which is being suppressed and hidden. [The bioweapon] is released. It’s extremely easy to treat. However, that information is being suppressed, and access to those medications is being suppressed, and doctors who are advocating for it are being persecuted,” he said....<<<Read More>>>...