Short answer: yes, but the short answer is not enough.
Let’s start with our roots. Who are we
on this Earth? Why are we here in the first place? (Just a small
question, so … ummm… no pressure at all.)
We, human beings, exist
in multiple worlds (the “quantum” word would be “dimension,” if you
prefer intellectual words). We exist in what we call “the physical
world,” or “material world” – which we can see, hear, and touch – and we
also exist in other dimensions, whose presence we can only sense. Life
is everywhere, where we can see and where we cannot. The poetic word for
the dimensions that we cannot see is “the spiritual realm.”
Our ancestors knew this very well. We forgot.
In fact, we in the modern world have been so thoroughly robbed of this basic understanding of our important parts that we often self-harm, or pretend that we only live in the material world and that nothing has a soul. The history of how it came to be this way is its own beast but for the purpose of this story, we can just say that we do exist in different worlds, and our different parts talk to each other all the time.
Our physical state can impact our
spiritual state, and our spiritual state can impact our physical state.
An important part of this dance is our free will, what we choose to do
and toward what end....<<<Read More>>>...