Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 6 September 2022


 Spirituality is a philosophy and personalized system of principles and beliefs. It is universal, yet is customizable. The American Academy of Family Physicians states, spirituality is the way you find meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace in your life. Many people find spirituality through religion. Some find it through music, art or a connection with nature. Others find it in their values and principles.

Spirituality has evolved from all the ancient religions, cults and practices. It represents an interfaith appeal, with its emphasis on an individual’s spiritual growth. A difference does exist between spirituality and religion. Religion focuses on an organized set of written beliefs, stories, guidelines and rituals and is practiced by a group of people. Religion requires participation in a certain set of rules, for example, praying at specific times of the day, celebrating specific holidays or worshiping only the God of that religion.

The Foundation for Holistic Spirituality has defined spirituality as the natural human connection with the wonder and energy of nature, cosmos and all existence, and the instinct to explore and understand its meaning.

An integral part of spirituality is the idea that everyone can connect with and become one with the energy in the universe and all of its mysteries. This experience can happen to anyone, regardless of nationality or whether or not they are religious or an atheist. Gaining a sense of true spirituality can take place at any time in life. It deeply affects lives and allows for the development of an even stronger sense that one’s life matters and that it is worth living.

There is no set way to practice spirituality. It is a personal choice. Some people choose to congregate among themselves to share their common beliefs and to strive for a higher consciousness. New age style congregations might practice spiritual and/or physical healing. Others find their spiritual side by meditating, doing yoga, praying or just going outdoors and experiencing nature’s bounty. Others still, may awaken their spirituality through a self-help or life-empowerment program....<<<Read More>>>...