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Thursday 19 January 2023

Daily Merlin: February 2023 - A Further Look

February 2023 Insight

February 2023 - Page of Serpents; 10 of Fishes Friendship; 10 of Beast Opportunity

February 2023 - A new opportunity for friendship;

February 2023 - this is a difficult insight. It doesn't appear to be on a global scale. Because it has been outlined by the MT, there is a significance with the imagery. 

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 It's time to look deeper into this monthly insight. At the time of its revealing it was perceived as being vague .... 

We need to nail down deeper into the prediction:

The Page of Serpents - The Page relates to a child, and is generally seen as being 'diligent'; very cautious, with painstaking effort and perseverance in all the child does. The Page can be classed as the #11

The 10 of Fishes - 'friendship' - the suit of fishes relates to love and water. The card is the #10.

The 10 of Beasts - 'opportunity' - the suit of beasts relates to law and earth. The card is the #10.

But what can be foreseen with this? A possible date gained from this COULD be 10+10 = 20 and 11 = 1+1 = 2. This could relate to an event in and around 20.2.23 (Equally it could be 11.2.23). So its potentially happening between 11.02.23 and 20.02.23.

Analysing what we have so far is a diligent young person have a friendship? But who and what is the significance?

To look further, three more images have been chosen randomly:

Ace of Serpents: the ace is the number 1 and is  it is an indicator that the page should just go for it. To take the chance and pursue an idea that it has in mind. 

14 Hermit: The Page has a decision to make, a seeker of a serious question, or series of questions. A  period of self examination and assessment. There is the end of a life cycle or end of a significant period. The card is #14

5 of Birds Loss; relates to the end of life cycle; the Page is still affected by this loss in its life. But who or what?

The numbers for these additional images are 1, 14, and 5. They add up to #20. Which again confirms 20.2.23.

What springs to mind is Prince Harry or Prince William. A chance to reignite their friendship, perhaps? It will be interesting to see what occurs in and around 20.02.23 in relation to the two brothers. If it doesn't prove to relate to them ... then watch out for the new's story that relates to this insight.