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Saturday 14 January 2023

How To Undertake A Tarot Reading On Yourself

There is a common misconception that it is not a good idea to undertake a tarot card reading on yourself. 

The idea is that you are likely to introduce ego in the process, and read what you want to see in the cards that are in front of you ...

I've come across the scenario many, many, times over the decades ... and I've always responded with the same reply ... 

At one time I would undertake a 'New Year Reading' on myself ... and had been pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of the methodology I undertake for 'undergoing a tarot reading on yourself' ....

It is essential to have the accompanying book that contains the meanings for the tarot cards you are planning to use for the personal reading. At no time should any of your own meanings/interpretations be brought into the reading. These are basically the meanings and interpretations which you use when undertaking your readings on other people/clients with these cards,

It is important to follow the card layouts and their interpretations that are included in the book. Speaking from personal experience, I use my own layouts developed over the decades, so the temptation to use personal layouts has to be resisted.

The idea is to let the author of the cards & book undertake an absent reading on you!

Clear your mind of all thoughts, and concentrate fully on the subject you require insights on ... and then choose the cards using the method often described in the book. Place the cards face down in the layout pattern you have chosen from the book.

Then, as you turn the cards, use the actual meanings that have been provided in the meanings book to build an impression of the answer to your given question. More often than not, from personal experience, it is at this point that you should permit your own impressions to be brought into the reading.

More often than not this method of reading yourself will provide the answers you seek. Insights into personal dilemmas and choices to be made are often provided. There is usually uncanny accuracy, especially when looking back on the reading notes after events have taken place.

Matthew James 14.01.2023