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Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Loss of Faith In Societal Institutions: A Necessary Chaos

 We are arriving at a moment where the majority of people recognize something is wrong in our society and are starting to put some pieces together as to what it involves. I call this Breaking The Illusion.

The reality of what has come out around COVID, government irresponsibility, and cover-ups over the last few years has been immense. Many knew of this before, but millions more saw this during COVID.

For starters, when you combine what the Twitter Files have revealed thus far and what has been gleaned through investigation over the course of COVID you get: Government corruption, censorship, authoritarian mindsets, political corruption, propaganda involving Big Tech, and a collusion between government, Big Pharma and Big Tech to raise profits at the expense of people – these are all just a sliver of what is going on in apparent ‘democratic countries.’

To be fair, millions were aware of these facts prior to COVID, but what happened during COVID brought in a huge portion of well credentialed and intelligent people into the mix. This not only boosted the numbers of people willing to talk about reality, but it improved the quality of conversation.

As people wake up to these facts they lose faith and trust in our institutions....<<<Read More>>>...