Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Ready to Make Life Changes But Don’t Know Where to Begin?

 Over time in this crazy, fast-paced world it’s easy to develop bad habits. Many are triggered by particular major setbacks in life such as the loss of a job, friends that let us down, broken relationships, perceived failures, or the death of a loved one. It may even come out of a less serious circumstance such as being too busy with work and/or family matters, an injury, or maybe just having too much fun even though we know that it is at the expense of our health and will catch up with us.

It is no wonder that hundreds of thousands of people per year experience depression, anxiety, pain syndromes, and even worse!

Any of these things can leave us feeling distraught, even ready to give up on life because over time we can lose that inner sense of well-being.

When we find ourselves in this mindset, we have a tendency to try to escape the pain by dulling our senses. So, we might start smoking again, drink excessively, eat comfort foods that we know are not healthy choices, and at this point, we simply have no energy to even think about being physically active.

Sound familiar?

Well, don’t feel bad. This has happened to all of us at one time or another and honestly, as long as these moments are temporary, they usually only represent a small bump in the road. In these times don’t be so hard on yourself and allow yourself to move through this process without guilt.

However, it’s important to know when it is time to get back on the horse and continue living hopefully, a bit wiser, stronger and eager to move forward as new chapters of your life begin to unfold.

Though for some, finding the way back can become the hardest thing they have ever had to do. And sometimes they find themselves completely lost....<<<Read More>>>...