On the other hand, the explosive lockdown files in the UK have blown apart the official narrative. We the sceptics were right in our dark suspicions of the motives, scientific basis, and evidence behind government decisions, but even we did not fully grasp just how venal, evil, and utterly contemptuous of their citizens some of the bastards in charge of our health, lives, livelihoods, and children’s future were. “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here” (Shakespeare, The Tempest) indeed. They will have to build a new circle of hell to accommodate all the perpetrators of evil let loose upon the world since 2020.
A mistake is when you spill coffee or take the wrong exit ramp off the highway. Lockdown was a policy pushed hard by politicians and health chiefs even against scientific dissent and substantial public opposition, using tools from every tyrants’ playbook of disinformation and lies whilst attacking and censoring truth. The depth of public opposition went unrecognized because the fear-peddling media colluded in not reporting on protests.
Genuine mistakes were few and are forgivable. Most were deliberate
distortions of reality, outright falsehoods, and a systematic campaign
to terrorize people into compliance with arbitrary diktats interspersed
with efforts to vilify, silence, and cancel all critics by using the
full powers of the state to co-opt, bribe, and bully. All in pursuit of
the most maddening public policy insanity of modern times because it
ignored existing canons of pandemic planning in blind panic just when
calm was most needed. To call lockdown a mistake is to trivialize the
shock to society....<<<Read More>>>...